
Thanks to my multi-purpose training, I can offer you various linguistic services:


My main area of business. I translate all types of texts, from English and Spanish into French, but am particularly fond of some fields.
First, the legal field. It can be contracts for example. During my last internship, I’ve had to translate a lot of these, including for loans between museums or clinical trials for University Hospitals.
Then, the institutional field. For example, I’ve had to translate European interregional cooperation project descriptions, and reports on how these were progressing.
I’m also really fond of the touristic and cultural field. Since I’ve always loved History and Culture, this field quickly became obvious to me. I’ve translated tourist brochures or texts for exhibitions in museums during my last internship, for example.
Marketing is also a field I’m really interested in, given the creativity it requires. For example, I’ve translated product sheets for toddlers’ toys, drones or cosmetics. I’ve also taken part in the translation of a payment solution provider’s Website.
IT, while not being one of my favourite fields at first, also became more and more obvious projects after projects. For example, I translated quite a few white books on cybersecurity or digital transformation.
Lastly, my training and various internships gave me the opportunity to translate various types of technical texts, such as user manuals or safety rules on construction sites.


In the translation industry, “editing” means checking the accuracy of a translation by comparing the source text (= original, in English or Spanish) and the target text (= final, in French). In addition to checking grammar, spelling, and conjugation, it also makes sure that nothing has been omitted or translated wrongly.


Proofreading is checking a document in one language, in my case, in French, in order to be sure there’s no grammar mistake or typo. This is done using only one text, without comparing it to the original one, when there’s one.


As technology develops, post-edition becomes more and more important in the translation industry. Halfway between machine translation and human translation, this task consists in having a machine-translated text edited (got it?) by a real person. Not very popular among translators, who think, with good reason, that it restrains creativity, it can, however, be useful for some kinds of texts (in particular if they are really simple or technical, like in the IT field).


I’ve always been passionate about cinema, so doing subtitling is nothing new to me since I already used to do that during my spare time, in particular for series I enjoy watching. However, thanks to my training during my first year of Master’s Degree, I was able to learn the specificities of this type of translation, such as time or characters limits. As a result, I can offer you this service.